This question about ” How to change your age or birthday on tiktok 2021″ is very important to the 13-15 ages TikTok user becuase of the TikTok new policy “Strengthening privacy and safety for youth on TikTok“.
TikTok Newsroom publish one policy on On Jan 13, 2021,It is big boom for the 13-15 ages users.
At TikTok, we know that creativity and expression are personal. And so is privacy. That’s why we empower our community with a range of controls to manage their online presence. As young people start their digital journey, we believe it’s important to provide them with age-appropriate privacy settings and controls. Today we’re announcing changes for users under age 18 aimed at driving higher default standards for user privacy and safety.
Enhanced default privacy settings
Starting today, we’re changing the default privacy setting for all registered accounts ages 13-15 to private. With a private TikTok account, only someone who the user approves as a follower can view their videos. We want our younger users to be able to make informed choices about what and with whom they choose to share, which includes whether they want to open their account to public views. By engaging them early in their privacy journey, we can enable them to make more deliberate decisions about their online privacy.
See More Information :Strengthening privacy and safety for youth on TikTok
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Why You Need to Change Your Age or Birthday On TikTok?
There are many people who do not want to reveal their personal information on the TikTok app. Also,There are some people who have accidentally added false information about themselves. There has been a lot of confusion regarding people trying to change their age as registered on the app.It may just fill one 13 years age when create TikTok account.
Okay, I have write one articel to analysis the effect about the 13-15 ages user.please view this post:What’s Effect By The TikTok New Strengthening Privacy
Method 1: How To Change Your Age or Birthday On TikTok?
There are is no direct way to chage your age or birthday on TikTok.When you create the TikTok account,it have been required to fulfill the ages on first step.So You can use the following steps in order to change their age on Tik Tok.

1.0 Open your TikTok App and Click the “Me” Button on right bottom of your iPhone/iPad/Mobile phone screen.

2.0 On your profile page, you can click “three dot” on top-right of your phone screen as our picture show.

3.0 Please choose the “Report a problem” on the setting and privacy page. you can view so many selection and look it careful,found it as below picture show.

4.0 On “Feedback and help” page, you need to choose the “Privacy and Abuse Report” selection and go to the Next page

5.0 Okay,and then you can choose the “Other” button/

6.0 Great,when you arrival this step. you can will arrival the destination and please click the “Still have problem”. yes, it concealled here

7.0 yes, you can write the problem on “tell us your feedback” selection and you can write the reason that why you want to change your account age,it maybe help your rate of success.

8.0 After waiting 24-48 hours,you will respone from the TikTok Support team and you will need to upload your National ID or a passport or driver’s license for verification purposes. These forms of ID are the only ones confirmed as acceptable for the company but it’s worth asking if a school ID or some other method could be used.
It’s likely that TikTok’s younger audience does not have this type of identification, but it is what the company uses to update your birthday. Most states do allow minors to get a state ID at any age. If you don’t have the proper identification you can probably get it at your local DMV.
After All, It is done and this way can change your age on TikTok easily and but as so many people to use it, the TikTok support team reply time have more and more later.
After waiting over 48 hours,you can contact the TikTok support team on the Twitter.there twitter account is :@TikTokSupport,and you can get fastest reply to your problem.
Method 2: How To Change Your Age or Birthday On TikTok?
As the Method 1,It need take 24 hours or even more days. We test the another way to change your age or birthday on the TikToK.You can follow our step and try it now.
1.0 Open your TikTok App and Click the “Me” Button on right bottom of your iPhone/iPad/Mobile phone screen.

2.0 On your profile page, you can click “three dot” on top-right of your phone screen as our picture show.

3.0 On this page,Click the “Add account”.

4.0 On this page,you should choose the bottom selection “Sign Up”

5.0 Sign up for TikTok page, you should choose “Use phone or email”

6.0 On this page,It is important.You should choose the right age for this time. We suggest that you can choose the ages over 18 and it will avoid other problem in future.

7.0 yes.this step is also very very important!!!
you can choose the phone or email.But you should remeber this phone or emails address should be the same as your want to change ages account.
yes,it mean you should cover your old account information by this new sign up.

8.0 Okay,I use it as my old account emails on this step

9.0 Choose one password and Next.

10.0 Done.You’ll then be notified in your account about your age being changed.
Method 3: How To Change Your Age or Birthday On TikTok?
As the TikTok office twitter account anounced that you can contact the tiktok by emails and change your age or birthday on TikTok.

1.0 You can write one emails to the TikTok support team,the emails address is :feedback@tiktok.com.
After 24-48 days, you can will respond from them TikTok support team.

2.0 then, you can reply the emails from emails and click the:”click here”. After that,you should offer your TikTok account emails and offer your National ID,SSN or Driver’s licenes.
Write the your problem :You want to change the ages on TikTok. Also,you can write reason to help your success.

3.0 Done,you can just wait the respond from TikTok team.you will get the emails:
Thank you for your patience
Your birthday has been successfully changed.
Enjoy your time on TikTok”

4.0 If you dont get reply over 48 hours,you can @TikTokSupport on twitter.com,you can get fastest reply from this way.

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